40 Days for Life Diocesan Coordinator
Position: Current - November 2023
This position offers support and resources to the three 40 Days for Life prayer vigil locations: Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater. Preparation begins in June continuing through the campaign (September 27 - November 5) and ending mid to late November once the campaign is wrapped up. This position is in direct and frequent communication with the 3 volunteer site leaders to assist in leading a peaceful, prayerful 40 Days for Life vigil.
Current - November 2023
Stipended Position
The Diocese of St. Petersburg Office of Missionary Discipleship is looking for a dedicated individual to coordinate 40 Days for Life 2023 in our Diocese. This person should be an organized, atententive, and prayerful advocate for life.
• Overseeing 3 sites: Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater
• Serves as a liaison between the Diocese and each vigil location
• Assist and support each site leader with planning/scheduling the following: (but not
limited to)
o Planning Meeting(s)
o Kick off Rally
o Mid-way rally/potluck
o Closing Vigil
• Organize and provide materials for each site o 40 Days approved signs o Binders with sign in sheets and Statement of Peace o Box with materials (prayer cards, rosaries, contact info, etc) o Print flyers and other promotional materials to provide for parishes
• Apply for necessary city permits
• Create bulletin announcements and oversee promotion amongst parishes and churches
• Communicate with Bishop and priests about offering support and involvement
• Responsible for frequent use of Constant Contact to send notice and updates as needed
• Have availability to be present at each site when needed
• Report any issues that a site may experience (such as protestors) to appropriate personnel.
• Maintain records of participants’ information via the signed Statement of Peace paper