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“In a Church that goes forth, the ecclesial integration of many cultures into the one Body of Christ, united by faith and mission is essential. Diversity of language, culture, spirituality, needs, and gifts are not an obstacle to unity, but rather they can and should enrich the body, with solidarity between groups and support for all.” 

- V Encuentro, Conclusiones

Diversity and Inclusion in Youth Ministry (Proclaim)

Over the years, our diocesan parishes have become increasingly more diverse. As with all things, we can look to Jesus as a model for how to become more inclusive. Reflect on the Catholic perspective on “diversity” and “inclusivity” and explore how your ministry can become more inclusive and welcoming.

Additional Resources

Pilar I: La Visión del Ministerio Juvenil

Importance of Parents and Families in Multicultural Youth Ministry (Invite)

It is often true that some cultures are highly family oriented. If a teen from such a culture is engaged in our ministries, it is imperative that we also know how to engage that teen entire family – the teen, parents, younger siblings, grandparents, and even extended family. Explore the why and how in this session.

Additional Resources

Pilar I: La Visión del Ministerio Juvenil

Pastoral Juvenil Hispana (Encounter)

Pastoral Juvenil Hispana, while loosely translated as “Ministry to Hispanic Youth”, is a long-running and highly effective form of Young Adult Ministry with Hispanic young adults and sometimes older youth. Learn the basics of this model for ministry, including both how it works and how to get it going in your parish.

Additional Resources

Pilar I: La Visión del Ministerio Juvenil

Resources for Immediate Support
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Pillar IV:

Ministry Among Diverse Populations


Pilar IV:

Ministerio con una Población Diversa

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