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"Challenges exist to be overcome! Let us be realists, but without losing our joy, our boldness, and our hope-filled commitment. Let us not allow ourselves to be robbed of missionary vigor!”
– Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel
Outreach to the Unaffiliated or Unchurched (Proclaim)

Pope Francis has encouraged us all to get outside of the walls of the church and go to the people. Good youth ministry does not wait for teens to show up to our meetings, but lovingly goes out to where teens are. What does such outreach look like, and how does our team do it? 

Additional Resources

Pilar I: La Visión del Ministerio Juvenil

Outreach to and Collaborating with Parents and Families (Invite)
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So often we feel like parents are the enemy! Yet parents are the first educators in faith and should be our primary collaborators. How could we come alongside parents, invite them into a deeper encounter with the Lord, and empower them to fulfill their role as catechist?

Additional Resources

Pilar I: La Visión del Ministerio Juvenil

Outreach to Teens Transitioning from Middle School to High School to Young Adult (Encounter)
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Navigating from one stage of life to the next can be awkward and difficult. We shouldn’t allow teens to do it alone and hope that they get to where we want them. We will discuss ways to be a part of the transitions from middle school to high school to young adulthood.

Additional Resources

Pilar I: La Visión del Ministerio Juvenil

Additional Resources and Support

Center for Ministry Development

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Lifeteen's Parent Resources

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